Monday, January 2, 2012

Valentine Paper Heart Chain

We have spent some time at home during the holidays.  It's not always warm enough to go outside, so we worked on a craft that could involve little fingers.  You will need some cardstock (paper will work, it's just not a durable), a paper-cutter or scissors and a stapler. I used cardstock, as there is quite the supply in my craft room from stamping and scrapbooking. 
Begin by cutting your cardstock.  I used two sizes of cardstock strips: 3/4" x 8-1/2" and 3/4" x 11".   These could be any size that works best for you.

 Start by folding your cardstock strip in half and staple
close to the fold, as shown in the picture to the left.
Next you will be opening the open ends and bring them to the inside to make the curves of your heart and staple.

 Your heart is complete!
There are different ways to display your hearts. 
If you would like them in a chain: complete your first heart, then you will start your next and when opening the two ends, feed your completed heart into that fold before stapling.  This is where you will find out if your strips are too short!

They can be displayed alone by inserting a ribbon into middle of the curves before stapling.

However you choose to hang your hearts, they are a very frugal but fun way to decorate and get your children involved!